
Chiropractic Fees

  • Initial Visit (intake, physical examination, consultation, and treatment): $100
  • Subsequent Visit: $65
  • Orthotic Insoles (consultation, scan, fitting, and one pair of regular orthotics): $450
  • Orthopedic Memory Foam Pillow (queen size): $85

*Please note: Chiropractic supplies and services do not require taxes.

Acupuncture Fees

  • Introductory New Patient Special (1hr): $50
  • Regular Visit (1hr): $105
  • Package of 3: $225
  • Package of 5: $400
  • Package of 10: $700

*taxes are included for all above fees.

Registered Massage Therapy Fees

  • Session of 90 minutes:  $190
  • Session of 1 hr:  $135
  • Session of 45 minutes:  $110

*taxes are included for all above fees.